A little about what Neighbors' Consejo does. I picked up some information on the organization form a representative who was at the sale. Accounting by the DC government, there are 9,776 people who are homeless and in need of some short of shelter on any given day. I've seen that number before, but it still shocks me. 10,000 men, women and children homeless in DC alone on any given day. NC works with some of those who are part of that 10,000 right here in our own Ward One. Just a small bit of what they were able to do with contributions last calendar year; NC provided:
** over 1,600 people with individual case management, counseling and employment help
** nearly 90 people with intensive residential addiction treatment
** ESL and computer classes
** nearly 500 people with hats, blankets, gloves and transportation as part of Hypothermia Street Outreach
** over 200 with emergency assistance
** much, much, more
So here's to a great organization in Mount Pleasant, Neighbors' Consejo. Thanks for your service!