Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Fun Post: Red and Hot

At 15, I dreamt about getting caught with a copy of the Mother's Milk cd, tossing it up in a teacher's face --proclaiming my First Amendment rights-- and promptly being assigned detention for having indecent materials on my person. Alas, I went to a pretty liberal high school and no one really cared that Anthony Kiedis and a well placed rose were preventing what would later be known as a wardrobe malfunction, from appearing on this cd artwork.

And that was that. A middle school friend of mine (shout out to Dave W) turned me on the the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the 1-2 punch of Mother's Milk and Blood Sugar Sex Magik made me a fan for life. There are so many good songs on BSSM. Power of Equality, Breaking the Girl, Naked in the Rain; the whole damned album. But, I'm feeling this one today. It's Suck My Kiss by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from 1991's Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Enjoy and have a great weekend.