Monday, April 21, 2008

North of Park Road

My sincerest apologies to Mount Pleasant north of Park Road. I rarely take photos of you or write about you, but not intentionally. You are so reserved, so quite, so austere. I have friends that live there, I visit them on occasion. If I had children, they might even attend one of your schools, Sacred Heart or Bancroft Elementary. You are on my bike route to Columbia Heights and your streets are 10x more bike friendly than the busy and consistently double parked Mt Pleasant Street.

Rock Creek's winding pathways, picnic tables and Parkway are hidden here. You are home to a wide array of housing: newer, larger complexes, small condo converted flats, weathered row houses and the beautiful variety along Ingleside Terrace. Forget the Kennedy-Warren, you lay claim to one of the District's largest and most well-known apartment buildings, the Woodner. And even though your house parties get busted at exactly midnight, and not a minute later, your graceful Park Road mansions and homey stand alone frame houses make up for that with their daytime beauty. The 42 Bus loves you Mount Pleasant North of Park Road. Here are the pictures to prove it.