Here is a nice look at a pedestrian plaza on what used to be a taxi, bus and car filled Broadway in New York City. The NYC Council closed parts of the busy thoroughfare and turned the streets over to pedestrians, loungers, musicians and tourists. This is the area in and around Times Square. The
jury is still out on whether it was a good move or not, but it can not be denied that the newly created spaces are being used by, well, all types of people. Traffic seems to be no worse for the wear
Imagine a car-less 18th Street NW in Adams Morgan, or Connecticut Ave NW on both sides of Dupont Circle, or Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House. Well, Bill Clinton gave us the last one. But could DC do more to emulate New York by giving parts of our street grid to pedestrians? Yes, Council could. Will they? Probably not, but just for ha-has, where would those places be?