Color me jealous. I love the Columbia Heights plaza. The city has created a space that just works for the neighborhood. It has become a bona fide gathering spot in short order; even in the face of consistent construction around it.
It's really simple actually: a water feature, some grass, landscaping, places to sit and some retail. Doesn't hurt that there are eateries nearby that serve hand held, cheap food (Sticky Fingers Bakery, Julia's Empanadas, FrozenYo).
Remember when it was just a field of gravel and some trees? Not very attractive. The solar lamplights act as a sort of public art and the semi-grassy artificial hills are always filled during late afternoons and evenings.
What if Lamont Park could be that place for Mount Pleasant? We really don't have a central place like Columbia Heights plaza here in Mount Pleasant. Occasionally Lamont Park can be; during music festivals or the farmers market. But, by in large, it takes a special event for the place to fill up on any given day. That's too bad. What would it take for Lamont Park to be attractive to you on a daily basis? You can choose more than one.