They took the opportunity to celebrate on the most recent First Tuesday, an event held each month by AM businesses. Participating businesses offer discounts and deals, as Smash did on Tuesday. I got four CDs (yea, i still buy them... and you can't find these on itunes!) for about $20. These were hard to find; some obscure 90s bands from the Bay Area and a rare Bright Eyes release. There was even a birthday cake that said 'punk rock,' but obviously I got there a little late.
Smash is one of a handful of music stores on the 42 bus line. We are so lucky to have establishments like this! Support the locals, please! As you can see in the photos, Smash carries vintage clothing and local labels as well. Each of the two owners are truly experts in music and vintage wares. The selection for each is top notch. Actually, for all the dudes.... they have clothes for us too! Most of the time vintage places don't carry many clothes for men, but this place does. Shoes, indie-label tees, vintage button ups and jackets too. Smash is located at 2314 18th Street NW, upstairs. Open Daily