Sort of happened upon this by chance, but I'm glad to know it exists. Take Five! is a monthly program held in the courtyard between the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. The music is generally of the jazz variety and this event takes place each third Thursday from 5:00pm until 8:00pm. SAAM and the NPG are normally open until 7:30, which I love. Great for an after work break/happy hour. The courtyard cafe is open during the performance and yes, they do serve adult beverages.
Yesterday's performance was a take on April 15; tax day. Singer and pianist Sandy Asirvatham played with an ensemble group and sang songs about, well, money and taxes. It was sort of odd, but we enjoyed the music and good company. The next Take Five! performance will be on May 20 and feature the Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet.
Do yourself a favor and go early, see Remembering the Running Fence at SAAM (fascinating!) and settle down for some vocal jazz.
This is just a prelude of sorts to another totally separate event, Jazz on the Grass (i.e Jazz in the Garden). Hosted by the National Gallery of Art, Jazz in the Garden begins a week later, May 28, down at the Sculpture Garden on 7th & Constitution. Summer is about to begin boys and girls. It's about to begin.