I was on vacation last year and missed the party! But this year, Bike Prom is firmly on my calendar as #1 event for the weekend, so I'll be there. WABA is again hosting and the location is the Black Cat. The theme is Beyond the Velodrome, a take on Beyond the Thunderdome, an 80s Mel Gibson flick.
Here's the description from WABA: A couple years in the future...the streets of DC are ruled by velo gangs who have turned the asphalt into a battleground as they loot lycra and cripple cranksets. Join DC cyclists for WABA's post-apocalyptic Bike Prom...
You're encouraged to dress up post apocalyptic style and apparently there will be prizes for the best dressed as well as other raffle type activities. I wouldn't worry with this crowd. Creativity + prizes + dancing + alcohol = YES! Like last year, there will also be a photo booth (accompanying is from last year's booth).
Of course you can ride your bike to and from. WABA is arranging for bike racks to be placed outside of the Cat. I'd advocate for wearing a helmet and drinking responsibly if you decide to partake. Otherwise DANCE IT UP!
Bike Prom is on June 26th. Black Cat is located at 1811 14th St NW. It's upstairs on the main stage and tickets are $10.