Did you know Cary Elwes turns 50 next month? And The Princess Bride has been around for 25 years now. Bananas. In high school, a very, very good friend and I had a secret club (yep, secret high school clubs). Anyway, one of the inside jokes we had was based on this movie. We'd say "My name is Chiquita Banana. You killed my father. Prepare to die." What does i mean? I have no idea to this day. But it made me laugh and it made me love this movie even more.
The showing is rain or shine (doesn't look like rain, and it should be getting dark by then). The show starts at 7:15PM at Lamont Park. Lamont Park is at the corner of Lamont and Mount Pleasant Sts NW. Just before The Princess Bride, the organizers (Mount Pleasant Main Street) will show a short film, Into the Lime Lite. I saw this documentary last month and it was was pretty great. Enjoy it; a nice DC story.
Enjoy the movies, enjoy the weekend!