Asylum Rock and Roll Lounge in Adams Morgan has come up with a neat way pass the summer nights. Watching one of Wes Anderson's hilarious films. There is no cover and each movie will be shown on a big screen at the upstairs bar beginning at 8:00 PM. I'm a Wednesday regular, so perhaps see you there. Just don't bother me during the movie, ESPECIALLY during
Rushmore. I will cut you. Just kidding. Tonight, Anderson's first full length,
Bottle Rocket. A cult, if not a mainstream, classic. The full schedule:
July 8: Bottle Rocket (1996)
July 15: Rushmore (1998)
July 22: The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
July 29: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
August 5: The Darjeeling Limited (2007)