Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hello...? Is it Me You're Looking For?

Well. I usually wait for the hype of a new place to die down before I try to visit. I'm not much for waiting in life or waiting for a table. My friends alerted me that Hello Cupcake was offering a vegan cupcake, I could hardly resist. The cupcake shop opened last Monday, the 25th.

Hello Cupcake is on the 42 bus line at 1351 Connecticut Avenue just south of Dupont Circle. Some people deride "trends" but how can you argue against a cupcake trend?! Yogurt, blah. But, yes, cupcakes, you can't go wrong. I've been standing by Sticky Fingers because they offer quality sweets AND they are vegan. Hello supposedly offers at least one vegan cupcake each day. I wanted to try Hello, but...

The line was too long! Granted they only opened four days ago. I realize that. But I figured I could stop by after work, get a 4 count box of vegan cupcakes and ride the 42 bus home. However, by the time the next bus pulled up, I was behind 17 people in line! And that was only counting those who were standing outside of the doors. So sadly I hopped on the bus and went home. Anyone actually been there? Maybe next week yea? Or maybe next month...